Thursday, August 04, 2005

LQ Test

Loneliness Quotient: 34%

Your Personalized Assessment Report:

Your LQ score suggests your relationships are rather healthy. Your score is on the lower end of the spectrum. Let's take a look at each area of interest. You are okay in your relations with your friends. This is good. Additionally, your family situation is not causing you any troubles. A positive family situation is definitely helpful. Your romantic life, however, needs work. There is a lot of room for improvement there, and you really need to search for that guy of your dreams. Thankfully you do not have a problem with shyness, so pursuing romantic leads will not be as difficult for you. On a final note, there seem to be some insecurity issues that you need to work through. Improving self-esteem will aid you in lowering your LQ.

Take the Loneliness Quotient Test at Dating Diversions


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