Friday, January 28, 2005

Oooh! A survey...

...cuz I'm bored. Finals are over! But... I still have glbl hwk. =/ Puha! No science fair!! xP

[Jacked this from EJ/Raymond/Rui/Dali]

+ date:
January 28, 2005
time: 6:14 PM
name: Debbie
+ age: 14
+ birthday:
May 9, 1990
e-mail: <-- plz dont spam me? Not my "main" one. xP
+ eyes: Dark brown/black
+ hair: Dark brown/black
+ height: 5' 4"
+ shoe size: 7 / 7.5?
+ who lives with you: Dad, Mom, Bro
+ when is your bedtime?: Whenever I want xP

+ flown on a plane: Yeh
+ ever been so drunk you blacked out: Hahahaha *shhhhhhh. I wont tell if you wont ;)
+ missed school because it was raining: I wish
+ told a guy/girl that you liked them?: ...bad memories
+ put a body part on fire for amusement: no. I dont like inflicting bodily pain to myself
+ had a crush on a friend's girlfriend/boyfriend: I dont think I'm that bad/mean
+ been hurt emotionally: Yeh...
+ kept a secret from everyone: who doesnt?... iono
+ wanted to hook up with a friend: yeh... I wouldnt wanna hook up w/ a complete stranger...
+ cried during a movie: not that I recall
+ been on stage: Yeh
+ cut your hair: O'course!!!
+ had a crush on a teacher: hell no. most of my teachers were females, and despite what you see, hear, or think... I am not a lesbian ;)

+ shampoo: iono. shampoo is shampoo. Pert when I'm lazy, Pantene for special occasions? w/e
+ fav color: hot pink (dun ask... like, hi-liter pink), and forest green
+ day/night: Night... o'course you silly!
+ summer/winter: Winter
+ lace or satin: cotton? xP
+ fav movies: Dunno. a movie is a movie
+ fav drink: water or cold milk?
+ person to talk to face to face: EJ and Joanna
+ person to talk to on the phone: EJ, Joanna, Christina
+ person to talk to online: Lol. EJ and Joanna
(and EJ being before Joanna does not mean that I favor her more, or w/e. They're equal)

+ wearing: pants, shirt, nautica jacket?
+ eating: nothing
+ drinking: nothing
+ listening to: FFX-2 Piano OST

+ cried: nope
+ worn jeans: Yeh
+ met someone new online: Been banned from doing that since 6th grade =/
+ done laundry: yeh
+ drove a car: psht. I wish
+ talked on the phone: Haha, yeah. With EJ, Norman, Joanna, Christina, Big David, Marie, my mom and dad


+ yourself: nope. finals fucked me over... and my dad's pissed at me
+ your friends: yeh
+ santa claus: nah
+ tooth fairy: nah. she never wanted my cavity-filled teeth =(
+ destiny/fate: iono. ability to change it... sure
+ angels: ehhh, let's not blasphem anyone?
+ ghosts: perhaps... but my only request is that they dont show themselves to me
+ UFO's: I believe in other life... but no green things, or flying saucers

+ do you ever wish you had another name?: nah. Debbie is fine
+ do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: nope [correction: girlfriend(s): yes. bf: no]
+ do you like anyone?: ...hahaha. like I'm dumb enough to say yes and have everyone ask who it is
+ which one of your friends acts the most like you?: iono. EJ, Joanna, and Christina? I tend to make friends w/ ppl like me =)
+ which friend have you known the longest?: well... depends. I lost touch with most of them, considering how I went to a private school with 7 ppl in my 6th grade class =/
+ are you close to any family members?: o'course. I'm w/ my bro 24/7. cant live w/o him
+ who do you go to: w/ problems?: Uhhh... Joanna, EJ, and Megan ^^;;
+ who do you hang around the most?: My friends and Kevin (bro)
+ worst feeling: too many? lol. dunno

+ Keep a diary?: been forever since i wrote in it...
+ Like to cook?: not really. it's a bit of a chore
+ Fold your underwear?: nope. i leave it in the basket, and rummage thru it before takin a shower
+ Talk in your sleep?: i wouldnt know that b/c i'd be asleep
+ Set your watch a few minutes ahead?: nope. i like my time to be exact to the time lady
+ Bite your fingernails?: no. i think it's disgusting, no offense. you have no clue how dirty your fingers get
+ Believe in love?: ...sure?

+ Movie you rented?:
+ Movie you bought?: Last Samurai
+ Movie you watched?: In Good Company
+ Song you listened to?: Zanarkand Ruins (from FFX-2 Piano OST)
+ Song that was stuck in your head?: dunno. been listening to instrumental music lately?
+ Song you've downloaded?: I'm 100% legit. I just leach offa other ppl who dl music (like my bro)
+ CD you bought: Michelle Branch? like... last yr, cuz I had a gift card for Tower Records
+ CD you listened to?: Story of the Year/Greenday
+ Person you've called?: my dad, i think. he was pissed at me
+ Person that's called you?: my dad. whole spectrum thing, heh
+ TV show you've watched?: Sabrina? last fri.
+ Person you were thinking of?: Hahaha. like I would tell you...
+ You wish you could live somewhere else?: uhhhh... iono
+ Others find you attractive?: wtf? what kind of question is this? "last others find you attractive?"
+ You want more piercings?: i'm scared of fainting *cough cough*
+ You want more tattoos?: hell no
+ You drink?: no
+ You do drugs?: *shhhhhhhh i wont tell if you wont ;)
+ You smoke?: nah. i like my lungs just the way they are. xP
+ You like cleaning?: well... i like organization?
+ You like roller coasters?: sure... just not the ones that go straight up and down
+ You write in cursive or print?: both

+ Ever cried over a boy/girl?: uhmmm... quite embarassing... but yes >_<
+ Ever lied to someone?: white lies? iono
+ Ever been in a fist fight?: lol. not that i know of
+ Ever been arrested?: hahaha. no. i'm 100% legit xP
+ Ever been kissed?: nope

+ Of times I have been in love?: iono. define love. well... i'll say... i've liked 4 ppl my whole life. one for each grade. xP ...kinda
+ Of times I have had my heart broken?: ...what you mean by a broken heart? i dont know.
+ Of hearts I have broken?: would i know?
+ Of people I consider my enemies?: ive decided to start over... so none yet?
+ Of CDs that I own?: many?
+ Of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: haha. i'm not that famous xP
+ Of things in my past that I regret?: too many to count?


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