Sunday, January 30, 2005

Another quiz?

...yeah. I'm bored. Jacked this from Grace. ^^ ...and chi?


Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: To be honest, no. But... I have a bi-friend. But... jokingly... everyone!

Best friend?: lol. uhm.... closest would be... EJ and Joanna?... but I dun wanna have one friend closer than the other =/

Understands you most?: Hahahaha. EJ and Joanna.

Who's like your second family?: uhm... iono. I dun go out much! was Jordan... up until 7th grade =/

Nicest?: puha. Chianny? uhm... Joanna and EJ too. and... Morgan too...

Funniest?: in who can make me laugh? uhm... everyone. I laugh too easily. I laughed when Chianny said "his pants are down" but then again... maybe I'm just perverted. =/

Sweetest?: there a difference between sweet and nice? o_O

Closest?: Joanna and EJ

Weirdest?: Ahahahaha. We're all weird ones. But... I'll say Vivi.

Most Athletic?: Vivi, Chi, Megan

Best musician?: Uhm. EJ, Heather, Tiffy, Kevin? All the piano + violin players. Like.... the ones who started at super young ages... who can play multiple instruments. o_o

Last person you talked to online?: Dunno. EJ, Joanna, or Norman.

Talk to most online?: it's a tie between Joanna and EJ

Talk to most on the phone?: once again... it's a tie between Joanna and EJ ^^

Laughs the most?: Vivi? Well... iono

Best singer?: ...way back in elementary school... Nassim Alisobhani

Best dancer?: Christina Chen! hands down!

Who do you trust most?: Uhm... Joanna, EJ, and Chianny? lol... I go to Megan with a lot of my problems too. ^^;;

Who can you relate most to?: EJ and Joanna? lol. puha.

Who's house were you last at?: mine! puha. actually... I don't get out much. My grandma's!!!

Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: comment... cuz you mite think of it as incest? o_O i dunno. wth kind of question is this?

Do your friends know you?: uhm... yes? o_O i think the crack got to the person who made this...


Lives closest to you?: Heather? maybe... Raymond and Julian? lol. ppl in university hills

Lives furthest away?: lol. 2 ppl from Germany. Jordan and Jake.

Most perverted?:lol. uhmmmm. everyone!... need I name names?

Least perverted?: Vivi? she cringes at the thought of guys... or so she used to. *cough cough*

Loudest?: Joanna? (sometimes EJ... when she's in a secure environment)

Shyest?: EJ... most of the time?... depends on the environment, lol

Smartest?: Tiffy + Grace

Dumbest?: no comment.

Longest friend?: uhm. iono... i lost touch with my friend i knew from when i was 4... cuz she's in Germany. =/ let's see... I basically started out new again in 7th grade... so yeah

Newest friend?: Lol. Sherman's group of ppl? like... David, David and Koki.

Pimp?: hahaha. I'd say... Jiwei? I swear... he's always got some girl around him. that case... Koki, too. xP

Pimpette?: *cough* JOANNA *cough* 7 guys in 2 yrs! lol... i really dunno.


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