Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Puha. A survey thing?

Stolen from Chianny. ^^

[X] = yes
[_] = no
( ) = additional notes

[_] been drunk
[_] kissed a member of the opposite sex
[_] kissed a member of the same sex (despite what you all may think... i'm not that much of a les)
[_] crashed a friend's car
[_] been to Japan (haha... i wish!)
[X] ridden in a taxi
(...or is it rode?... i have horrible grammar. yes, i know ^^;;)
[_] been in love (same question. define love...)
[_] been dumped
[_] shoplifted
[_] been fired
[_] been in a fist fight
(...i wanna hit someone tho... but do girls really punch? or do they "bitch slap"?)
[_] snuck out of my parent's house
[_] ever had a crush on someone of the same sex (once again... depite what you all may think, i'm not a lesbian)
[_] ever dated someone of the same sex (once again... depite what you all may think, i'm not a lesbian)
[_] had feelings for someone who didnt have them back (lol. who hasnt?)
[_] been arrested
[_] made out with a stranger (wtf. hell no!)
[_] stole something from my job
[_] celebrated new years in time square
[_] gone on a blind date
[X] lied to a friend (uhm... i've kept secrets? but i'm sorry about that too =/)
[_] had a crush on a teacher (...ewww. most of my teachers are female... and once again... depite what you all may think, i'm not a lesbian)
[_] celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
[X] been to Europe
[_] skipped school
[_] slept with a co-worker
(wtf. i'm fourteen!!!)
[_] cut myself on purpose
[_] been married
[_] gotten divorced
[_] had children
[X] seen someone die. (2 days after my b-day)
[_] been to Africa
[X] Slapped someone I loved (heh... dont go there)
[_] Driven over 400 miles to attend a show/festival/fetish ball
[X] Been to Canada
[X] Been to Mexico
[X] Been on a plane
[_] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
[_] Thrown up in a bar
[_] Purposely set a part of myself on fire
[X] Eaten Sushi
[_] Been snowboarding
(i will on feb 21!!! ...and what about skiing?!?!)
[_] Met someone in person from the internet
[_] Been moshing at a concerts
[_] taken partially nude/nude photos of yourself (wtf?!?! eww!)
[X] been in an abusive relationship (...friendship? lol. dunno)
[_] been pregnant or got someone pregnant
[_] lost a child
[_] gone to college
[_] graduated college
[_] tried killing urself
[X] taken painkillers
[X] love someone or miss someone right now (ha...ha....ha...)
[X] My current hair colour is natural
[_] I am an only child
[_] I have more than 3 siblings
[_] Gotten more than one piercing?
[_] Gotten a tattoo
[X] Had braces
[_] Your favourite colours go in a well known set (no. i like forest green or hot pink. yes. i'm weird like that. xP)
[_] Your favourite animal is a mythological creature
[_] Nobody could guess what your favourite animal is
[X] Consider yourself a nice person (...i hope so?)
[X] Consider yourself a generous, caring person (...i hope so?)
[X] Play an instrument
[X] I like school (...sure. i like seeing my friends. homework is a pain tho)
[X] I can speak different languages
[X] I've gone 24 hours without sleep (hahaha! funnnn!)
[X] I've gone 24 hours without food (i think... but i was vegitating on my bed... like... sleeping all day long...)
[_] I've had serious surgery
[X] Cried over a guy (quite embarassing... but, yes. i was young... and oh so naive. i bet i'm still naive now... but let's not go there)
[X] Cried over a girl
(yes... meaning... a friend)
[_] Cried over someone you didn't know
[_] Cried over a family member (none that i can remember...)
[_] Cried for no reason (i have my reasons...)


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